Curriculum Vitae

Alessandra Zanelli

  Architect, Ph. D. in Architectural and Environmental Technology, researcher  at the Department of Building Environment Science and Technology), Politecnico di Milano. She is a member of Research Unit of Experimental Technological Research on Architecture  at the same Department. Her main interests deal with role of technological innovation in architecture and in industrial design. In particular, she has focused his attention on: temporary systems (tents, minimal units for emergency; demontable houses, ect.); adaptive systems (extensible, foldable, pivots systems, ect); application of lightweight systems and demontable buildings for dwellings.
Since 2001 she is teaching segretary of Doctorate in Technology and Design Engineering for Building and City Environmental Quality of the BEST Department and since march 2005 she is a teaching member of the Board of Professors of the same Doctorate.
Since 2002 take part, with  Bertoldini,  Campioli, Mangiarotti and  Nardi, of Scientific Committee of the series Tecnologia e progetto for the publisher Libreria Clup in Milan. Since 2003 she is member of Scientific Committee of on-line revieew NEHS – Network of Engineering and Human Sciences. Since genuary 2005 she is member and regional referee for Italy of internation network “Tensinet”. She collaborates with the reviews Costruzioni Metalliche e La Nuova Finestra, Costruire in laterizio, Tensinews.


Recent publications

1.    BERTOLDINI M., ZANELLI A. (2003). Tecnica, progetto e scienze umane. Di BERTOLDINI M., ZANELLI A. MILANO: Libreria CLUP (ITALY).
2.    ZANELLI A., BERTOLDINI M. (2003). Tecnica, progetto e scienze umane. Di ZANELLI A., BERTOLDINI M. (vol. 18). MILANO: Libreria CLUP (ITALY).
3.    ZANELLI A., CAMPIOLI A. (2003). Strategie e tecniche di intervento per la riqualificazione a scala edilizia e urbana. In UMBERTO CAO, LUIGI COCCIA. Polveri urbane. (pp. 125-132). ROMA: MELTEMI (ITALY).
4.     ZANELLI A. (2003). Acciaio e architettura trasformabile: copertura a elementi pivotanti per il Sapporo Media Park, Sigeharu Isaka, Tokyo. COSTRUZIONI METALLICHE. vol. 4, pp. 25-34 ISSN: 0010-9673.
5.    ZANELLI A. (2003). La compatibilità ambientale del progetto. Come le ragioni dell’ambiente possono rinnovare le metodologie progettuali. In GIULIANA GEMELLI, FLAMINIO SQUAZZONI, A CURA DI. NEHS/Nessi. Istituzioni, mappe cognitive e culture del progetto tra ingegneria e scienze umane. (pp. 412-423). BASKERVILLE.
6.    ZANELLI A. (2003). Per un progetto politecnico e policulturale. In BERTOLDINI M., ZANELLI A. Tecnica, progetto e scienze umane. (pp. 105-124). MILANO: Libreria CLUP.
7.    ZANELLI A. (2003). Trasportabile / Trasformabile. Idee e tecniche per architetture in movimento,. (vol. 14). MILANO: Libreria Clup (ITALY).
