Curriculum Vitae

Federico Butera

  Professor of Environmental Physics in Buildings at the Politecnico di Milano.
Since 1973 has been carrying out research activities dealing with the rational use of energy and renewable energy sources in the built environment.
He has been involved in many research tasks of the IEA Implementing Agreement "Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems" and "Solar Heating and Cooling".
As a renewable energy expert and consultant, he carried out several studies for United Nations and Word Bank on technology transfer of RES in Developing Countries.
He was director of an Institute (IEREN) of the National Research Council, specialised in the interaction between energy and buildings, president of a local energy utility (AMG) and member of the Scientific committee of ENEA, the Italian agency for energy and environment.

  Recent publications:

1.    BUTERA F. (2003). Vivere a bassa intensità energetica. Visioni su futuri possibili (anzi realistici). In: E. MANCINI, F. JGOU. “QUOTIDIANO SOSTENIBILE, SCENARI DI VITA URBANA”. (pp. 154-155). MILANO: EDIZIONI AMBIENTE (ITALY).
2.    BUTERA F. (2004). Dalla caverna alla casa ecologica – Storia del comfort e dell’energia. MILANO: Edizioni Ambiente (ITALY).
4.    BUTERA F. (2004). The concept of passive solar building in the Mediterranean area. Summer Academy for Mediterranean Solar Architecture (SAMSA 2004).
5.    ADHIKARI R.S., BUTERA F. M., ASTE N., (2005)  "Daylighting Analysis and Energy Saving Measures in the Sino_Italy Environment and Energy Buildings", Santorini (Grecia), Proc. 1st International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling (Palenc ), Pagg. 929-933
6.    BUTERA F. (2005). Glass Architecture: is it sustainable?. Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, Santorini (Grecia), Proc. 1st International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling (palenc 2005), Santorini, Pagg. 161-168.
7.    ADHIKARI R.S., BUTERA F. M., ASTE N., BRACCO R. (2005) , "Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Technology and Solar Cooling: The CRF Solar Facade  Case Study", Santorini (Grecia), Proc. 1st International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling (Palenc 2005), Pagg. 645-649.
