Curriculum Vitae

Raffaella Brumana


Associate Professor, born in Lecco, 1963. Architecture Graduation with honours at the Polytechnic of Milan on 19.12.1988 (10/100 e lode). Doctoral Level in Geodetic and Topographic Sciences " V cycle (1989-1992).
Since 16 October 1998  confirmed researcher at the DIIAR of the Polytechnic of Milan  (SSD H05X).
Academic year 1995-1996: appointed as teacher of Architecture Survey (Survey and Imaging),  (60 hours), (campus Leonardo)
Since 1998 she co-ordinates two Courses of Permanent Education at the Polytechnic’s directed by prof. Carlo Monti on GIS  (Basic course) and (Advanced course).
Academic year 1999/2000: Temporary teacher of Photogrammetry (60 hours), Imaging 3, Graduation Imaging 3,  Architecture (MN) and Building Diploma (MN), at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Academic year 1999/2000: Temporary teacher of Architecture Survey, Final Synthesis Laboratory (MI, Arch.Leonardo),  Charged professors Prof. A. Bellini  and  Prof. A. Grimoldi (60 hours).
Academic year: 1999-2000: teacher of the Course of Territorial and Air Photogrammetry in the School of Monuments restoration at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Since 1999 member of the Editing Scientific Committe of the journal “Recupero e Conservazione ”, for section concerning Survey.
Head of the Laboratory of “Survey, Cartography, and GIS” of DIIAR.  Experience in on-site survey, imaging and data management.


Recent publications

1.    ACHILLE C., BRUMANA R., FREGONESE L., MONTI C. (2004). Per un moderno rilievo della Basilica di San Lorenzo tra opera progetto e trasformazioni. In: AAVV A CURA DI LAURA FIENI. La costruzione della Basilica di San Lorenzo a Milano. (vol. 1, pp. 225-241). ISBN 88-8215-783-0. MILANO: SILVANA EDITORIALE.
2.    BRUMANA R., MONTI C. (2004). La carta del rischio del patrimonio culturale in Lombardia. Guida per la georeferenziazione dei beni storico-architettonici. (vol. 2, pp. 1-405). ISBN: 88 8335 506 7. MILANO: Guerini e Associati.
3.    ACHILLE C., BRUMANA R. (2005). International Design Competition for the Refurbishment and Enhancement of the Villa Reale in Monza. Thematical map: from clouds point to surface analysis. Cases study: Salone d’Onore, Scalone and Sala del Trono. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES. vol. XXXVI-5/C34, pp. 701-706 ISSN: 1682-1750.
4.    ACHILLE C., BRUMANA R., FASSI F., FREGONESE L., MONTI C. (2005). From points clouds to surface analysis. Case studies, problems and perspectives. Italy - Canada 05Int. Arch. 2nd Workshop on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling Applications of: Heri. marzo 2005. (vol. ISSN 1682-1777, pp. S1_8).
5.    ACHILLE C., BRUMANA R., ORENI D. (2005). Tecnologie GIS a supporto di metodologie di georeferenziazione del patrimonio culturale rurale e degli antichi nuclei storici. R.U.R.A.L.I.A.(ONLUS) -L’Architettura e il Paesaggio Rurale nello sviluppo socioeconomico montano. 3-5 settembre 2005. (vol. cd-rom, pp. --). R.U.R.A.L.I.A.(ONLUS)Associazione Italiana per il Recupero Unitario delle Realtà Agricole e dei Luoghi.
6.    BRUMANA R., COLIZZI L., DE PASCALIS F., FASSI F., FREGONESE L., MONTI C., POTENZA A. (2005). SIDART-A New Integrated System for diagnostic of the cultural heritages. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES. vol. XXXVI-5/C34 and XX-2005 (CIPA), pp. 148-153 ISSN: 1682-1750.
7.    BRUMANA R., ACHILLE C. (2006). "E-historical sites. Georeferencing as availability of space-time data: historical cartography towards advanced 3Dview". In: LIVIERATOS EVANGELOS. Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage. (vol. 1, pp. 184-202). ISBN 960-7999-18-5. THESSALONIKI: Livieratos Evangelos (GREECE).
